Collatz Conjecture - Information

Go to: Collatz Conjecture.

Data Collection

It should be obvious that certain data is collected regarding this tool. Rest assured no personal details are assigned with the data you enter. The only data collected here are for statistical purposes only.

This includes the following:

  • The starting integer you submitted
  • Number of digits of the starting integer (from 1 to 500)
  • Number of steps generated from your starting integer
  • The largest found integer, length, and step number from your starting integer
  • Total number of digits produced from step #0 to the final step with a value of 1
  • The number of times that particular starting integer has been submitted (hit counter)
  • The timestamp of when the starting integer was first and last submitted
Application Program Interface

I've made a basic API for this tool in a very easy-to-use format; however, I can't see any reason you couldn't implement the Collatz calculations yourself unless working with large integers is impossible for you. The API will let you access the generated steps from beginning to end.

To access the API, you simply need to make GET request to the following URL:

Simply replace 1234567890 with the starting integer you want, and replace .csv with .xml, .txt, or .json.

Please be aware that when passing a bad input, the request may redirect you to a sanitised URL before providing you with results. If the input you supply has no readable digits, it will redirect back to this HTML page. If the input you supply is over 500 digits (not characters) then you will be redirected to a URL where the input has been truncated to 500 digits.

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