
I make lots of small changes around the site. Some to the design, content, maybe a new page under construction, or to some code you can't see. It's not always worthwhile putting a note on the page that an update was performed, so I'll dump all the updates I make on this page instead.

Newest appears at the top.

Update 27/02/2024: Thank you to Genki for pointing out a what should have been an obvious XSS in the MD5 Database JSON to HTML feed, somehow I never noticed it. The raw HTML feed upon page load was fine but not when I introduced the JSON feed. Super easy fix however and I've no reason to suspect it affected anybody.

Update 21/03/2023: Wanted to give a huge shoutout to HashMob contributors for their work with getting a bunch of older hashes cracked for the MD5 Database. Additionally, I have added various security response headers to the site. Over 800,000 MD5 hashes were added with help from HashMob. Later in the day, I started adding other algorithms from HashMob: 540K hashes from MyBB/IPB ranging between 3.5 and 5.5 years old. 220K hashes using md5(sha1(salt).md5(pass)) ranging about 3.8 years old. 30K for osCommerce about 4 years old. 1.75M for VBulletin ranging from new to nearly 8 years old. Totalling around 2.5 million found passwords. 50 million unique hashes remain unfound.

Update 12/03/2023: Removed YouTube CC Downloader from the menu. It's about time. YouTube completely changed their API which stops me from accessing it easily. I will get around to making it again one day but it's been unoperational for 2 years already.

Update 10/03/2023: Only very minor updates have been taking place every now and then. However, I realised that the MD5 Database was not reading from the 1 to 4 byte section properly so anything 4 bytes or less were not being found (unless previously cracked/found)... for 2 years at least. Embarrassing! Sorted it.

Update 14/11/2022: Not much has changed around the site in the past year. The MD5 Database has not been working for the past 20 days approximately without me realising and without any apparent errors. The storage drives responsible simply unmounted themselves, and that's it. Not sure how or why. They are mounted again and the service is up and running again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Update 22/11/2021: I've learned the YouTube Closed Captions Downloader has stopped working. I've also learned the problem lies with YouTube deciding to stop providing use of their legacy APIs. I will need to rewrite it all.

Update 06/11/2021: Cracked over 12 million hashes overnight.

Update 05/11/2021: I've been away for a few months. I have a site recode planned and hashes to crack. Removed the MD5 Database apology notice from the main page.

Update 15/06/2021: Had a massive help from a number of people from the and community lately.

Update 11/06/2021: Had some people contribute to cracking some hashes lately. I realised in this time that some parts of the backend code did not properly display contributor links. This has been fixed.

Update 20/03/2021: Removed the Disqus embed from the Factorial Calculator page.

Update 02/03/2021: I've updated the MD5 Database Information page. Somehow I left the XML examples up there when that was removed from production years ago. Updated some of the FAQs a bit also.

Update 19/02/2021: I have written some redirection code for clients that with to use SSL over non-SSL connections. The way I have implemented this is a bit of an experiment as I wish not to force connections, such as APIs, to use SSL in case they are running via scripts that may not be able to use it. A full page response will be provided alongside a Location header, it will be left to the client to decide to proceed with SSL or not.

Update 18/02/2021: Nearly a week later and I'm happy to say no problems so far! Also, I removed the notice from the NTLM Case Corrector page about sending data via non-SSL connections. The site supports SSL and had done for a long time.

Update 13/02/2021: Seems like performance has been fixed with a change of hardware.

Update 09/02/2021: Performance hits seem to be coming from some hardware. Effort has been made to identify and replace the hardware this week. In the meantime, I've ran some hash cracking sessions. All 8 bit bytes up to 6 bytes have been exhausted amongst others. Nothing will be added until the new hardware has been replaced.

Update 19/01/2021: The past several months I've not been at all bothered to sort anything about. I passed all of the MD5 Database data to the great guys at and they've done some amazing work. Today I've installed a freshly compiled httpd and started from scratch. Everything seems to be working ok for now. Apologies again for the inconvenience caused by such a long downtime. I'll continue to monitor the performance of things for a while. I'll begin adding results from soon and start processing the huge backlog of MD5 requests. In addition to this news, the electricity supply has been improved and should be more reliable.

Update 25/07/2020: Apologies for the downtime. The website's been attacked and I've had absolutely no motivation of fixing it. The site manages to respond during "offline" service only by serving static pages. I'm not sure on the future of the site, it doesn't interest me as much anymore. Every piece of code is custom made and offloading it to a dedicated provider may just be more hassle and money than its worth. Would be nice to keep it online purely out of legacy. The problem exists with an issue in the current httpd which I thought was fixed years ago, but no. I've trialled different httpd but the environment which the current one runs in isn't suitable. I know what needs to be done but I have no motivation, I have other things in life to worry about now! Sometimes service will be fully available for a while as I make the conscious decision to do so. The attack isn't 24/7 or sometimes isn't as strong enough to disrupt service.

Update 12/05/2020: The old rfp.xml API call was replaced with the JSON alternative but several clients are still requesting it. Not a lot I can do about that. I just changed the HTTP response code to 410 Gone. It's something.

Update 10/05/2020: There was an offline period of about 4 hours. This was to allow some maintenance and cleaning to be done. The boot drive was 5 years old and needed to be changed for a fresh and larger capacity drive (it was showing signs of wearing including incredibly slow transfer speeds for an SSD). Some of the high frequency databases were moved to their own dedicated drive to help with performance. There are still some minor issues to address but that's it for now. Another inconvenience lately is a slowloris attack is being done frequently, not sure why I'm the target, oh well. I've made some adjustments to the configuration to attempt to mitigate the attack, seems to work for now, I'll keep an eye on it.

Update 09/05/2020: The recently founds password table is back in operation again after a successful back-end recode. It uses JSON and shouldn't have the glitches on it that were there before. It's not perfect just yet but it's a big improvement. There are some small bits to finish off before all the work on that is complete.

Update 06/05/2020: I've rewritten some of the back end code responsible for updating the MD5 Database main page, the code that makes the table of recently found passwords possible. I recognise that has been a bit glitchy since demand has stepped up. I've also made the data that feeds that table use JSON instead of XML. I've put up the appropriate notices up on the main page warning XML scrapers this will be changed soon. Not to combat the scrapers, but forewarning their scripts that request the XML will possibly break.

Update 01/05/2020: Been running some 9 and 10 byte long bruteforce sessions on MD5s and managed to clear a few ten thousands 3 and 4 year old hashes. Clearing out the older hashes is definitely satisfying. Still having intermittent service problems but it doesn't seem as bad now.

Update 28/04/2020: I acknowledge the intermittent downtimes the site's been suffering lately. This appears to be the fault of the line provider and not the server. Other local businesses and customers are suffering too. I've also noticed a number of unfound hashes are file checksums though it's not possible to know exactly how many. Not entirely sure how to approach this one. I don't really keep binary file checksums. I've also edited the API script that allows 32-bit hashes in the URL and can be padded by other junk since that seems to be common.

Update 04/04/2020: I'm actually so bad at promising features on the site.

Update 14/01/2020: An anonymous visitor sent me a message saying I spelled jewellery wrong. Appreciate the feedback but that's the correct spelling in my country! I have also corrected the changelog page format of all the pre-2010 posts to match the current format. Nobody will notice but it's something done.

Update 10/01/2020: A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Today the server was offline for about an hour and a half due to renewing the SSL certification. Ran into a problem but all is fixed. Nothing new done with the batch submissions for the MD5 Database. I've been lazy, but I will get to it at some point.

Update 14/12/2019: I've been looking at various ways I could optimise the speeds of the current database. I debugged some code to see what is the slowest parts and to my surprised I was able to very easily increase the lookup time by 10 times in the main database. So I learned NEVER use strtolower if you don't have to. It's between 6 and 7 times slower than the MD5 function. Who would've known? Additionally, I've optimised the speed of searching 1, 2, 3, and 4 byte passwords by 8x but this was already very fast so the benefit won't have as much of an impact.

Update 11/12/2019: Been working on handling connection interruptions for streaming the hash results in the MD5 batch submission tool. Making sure that all possible conditions are handled safely. Additionally, around 2 million hashes were cracked by GPU just a couple of days ago. Still more work to go.

Update 03/12/2019: Since system stability was improved last month on 9th November, MD5 Database API requests have jumped from an average of 900,000 per day all the way up to 1,500,000 per day. Work on the MD5 batch submissions tool is still great. Been a little busy last few days but will get back to it when I get some days off again. Considering filtering hashes from the API to ignore junk either side of the request. People still include various junk in the API calls but I see there are still hashes in there. These people need to learn what exactly they're doing.

Update 29/11/2019: A streamed connection is made, hashes get looked up in the main database and gets returned to the client's browser. Everything seems to work well so far. I need to impose some limits and manage figures and make the code cross-browser friendly as possible and it should be about right to release into the wild.

Update 28/11/2019: Progress is coming along nicely with the batch submission work. The reCAPTCHA works great, data is saved and logged to a database. The HTML/JavaScripts work well. Just need to work on the code to create a live connection to the server and stream the hash results, and create the code on the backend to feed that data to browser clients.

Update 23/11/2019: I decided to begin work on a page that allows direct access to the MD5 Database by use of a form which allows users to paste in their hashes and the server will begin looking up all the hashes and instantly returning results hash by hash. I've built it taking form abuse prevention into consideration. I've also built it trying to make it nice and easy to throw in mixed data and have the client-side JavaScript detect and re-format the form data to just be hashes. This should help some users visually see if some data is not acceptable inputs (as is the case when reviewing millions of badly formatted API requests). My reason for wanting to create this page is not only because it's long overdue but because I'm aware of people creating malicious software which guises as a hash cracker that heavily relies on my API. It shouldn't be necessary for anyone to download any program or foreign scripts to use my service. There is a page out there that does openly admit to being a front-end for my API so someone's done the work for me. However, with recent stability issues resolved, I feel free to having a full speed lookup tool. A single user's session should (theoretically) be able to reach 200 failed lookups per second or faster if they're in the cached database (which 99% of all requests are). The front-end to this will rely heavily on JavaScript and HTML5 because I'm more concerned about preventing abuse. The YouTube tool can wait a little while.

Update 17/11/2019: I've been looking into re-writing the YouTube Closed Caption Downloader scripts. Seeing different API versions YouTube has available and noticing the "better" API to use has expired, requiring a slightly different interpretation over the months/years but it would be better.

Update 14/11/2019: Added a bit of code to the MD5 database API to accept inputs with the format of junk:hash since there's several batches of thousands of requests that are formatted this way. Usually the junk data is email addresses. The junk data is not used. Pleased to say the server stability is doing amazing!

Update 09/11/2019: Changed some bits of code. Removed the L&F Series key cut calculator from the menu. Added over a million cracked MD5 hashes. Been trying to debug some stability issues. Updated to the latest stable releases of server software; previously was running on 5 year old builds. Server stability appears to be dramatically improved and requests are being logged four times as fast. Finally! Hopefully no more stability issues.

Update 29/08/2019: I'm aware that some combinations of www. and http/s are not working sometimes. I'll try my best to resolve this issue.

Update 25/08/2019: I noticed a piece of conflicting code on the back end where showing credit of the cracked hash in the API URL consistently returned me as the founder instead of other people. API data should be accurate now! Nothing else done really.

Update 10/08/2019: Support for the XML output has been removed from the MD5 Database API. As far as I can tell, it was never used, it had some errors in it anyway when dealing with non-printable characters. It doesn't seem like anyone will miss it. It seems to me the API is primarily used with YAML and TXT for people's scripts and programs.

Update 10/08/2019: Not much to mention. I've made some minor adjustments over the past few months. Today I've allowed myself a way to exclude hashes that were cracked using non-MD5 algorithms. This means they will be excluded from future cracking sessions but they will not be displayed to users. The reason for not displaying other algorithms is a simple one: This database was designed for a single algorithm, MD5, and by allowing users to see their non-MD5 hashes means this would set a precedent to introduce support for additional algorithms but this would require too much time to implement and also require more disk space. I'm not interested in doing either of those things to be honest. Why crack other algorithms at all? To reduce garbage inputs basically. Multiple hundreds of thousands have been discovered not to be MD5.

Update 30/05/2019: Due to yet more problems with power, this has caused some problems with the MD5 Database cache. Database taken offline for a while until I get more time, probably tonight. I've also quickly added some HTTP response headers to API requests, hopefully to make this a standard and will add it to the documents in the future.

Update 25/05/2019: Noticed the MD5 Database live statistics were counting in a strange way that obviously didn't make any sense, because of order of operation with the ternary operators. Problem solved.

Update 24/05/2019: Managed to find a way to keep a live track of MD5 Database statistics with request counts, unique counts, etc., and made the information update live on the main page.

Update 20/05/2019: Worked on the MD5 Database statistics a little bit. There always existed a ticker banner at the bottom of the recently found passwords table which (kind of) showed users currently interacting with the API. I've addressed how poorly this was done. I've included how many lookup requests and how many were found in the past five minutes as well as users watching and users submitting. I now decided I need to work on a simple way to log recently found passwords as the IPC source is quite large and buggy. I should be able to find a way to make do without it.

Update 24/05/2019: Managed to find a way to keep a live track of MD5 Database statistics with request counts, unique counts, etc., and made the information update live on the main page.

Update 19/05/2019: Fixed some broken image URLs in the YouTube Closed Caption tool. These images were the country flags next to the different language names. Regarding previous update about the server-side code and so on, that's come to a halt, the IPC needs some additional work which I didn't foresee and putting it through heavier work causes problems when there's a lot of traffic coming through.

Update 02/05/2019: Working on some server-side code to the MD5 Database, trying to plan out a way to keep real time statistics and a more efficient way to keep track of recently found passwords and viewer/requester counts by centralising it through an IPC. I've also moved a few frequently accessed files to SSD to reduce search time just a little bit.

Update 25/04/2019: Everything seems to be working well with regards to the stability, I haven't detected any problems and the stability issues that came about seem to have disappeared strangely enough. Meanwhile, I've made the recently found passwords table Hits column shorten to K and M values because the length of numbers overshoots the allocated width of the cell. For example: 123, 2.4K, 24K, 246K, 1.3M, 13M, 138M, etc. Also, there have been some instances of downtime as we've had an electrician in the place checking all the wiring and interfering with things. I took the opportunity to do some spring cleaning which took absolutely forever. I'm at my wit's end trying to combat the dust problem here.

Update 01/04/2019: I've decided to put the MD5 Database back online to see how things go with regards to stability with the storage.

Update 17/03/2019: Unfortunately there was unplanned downtime from last night at 17:00 to today around 21:00. This was due to a power cut which seemed to have caused some problems with the server. Whatever it was caused some serious system instability and required a few hours of diagnosis. After disabling a bunch of bootup processes and several reboots later, it seemed to have been corrected, then there was an issue with power supply or the power supply lead, I'm not even sure. It's up and running at the moment anyway, all seems well. I now plan to replace the power supply and cable because this isn't the first time this has happened. There is a UPS that's usually in place but I temporarily removed it, now I remember how important it is. I plan to upgrade the UPS system to an online UPS where the output is regulated for surges and spikes as well as power failure. All a matter of time... and money... and preparation.

Update 13/03/2019: There are now 2 × GTX 1080 GPUs in use. This makes the current setup 16 × faster than my single previous GPU. System stability seems better than before. All is good. I will be planning and designing a batch submission form for the MD5 Database which will rely on the invisible reCAPTCHA v3 for preventing form submission abuse. More information coming soon as I decide on how to execute the idea.

Update 04/03/2019: Due to a very generous donation, I managed to get myself a GTX 1080 for improved hash cracking performance for the MD5 project. I believe it to be as much as 8 times faster than my previous GPU. I also believe the previous GPU caused some issues with system instability so I'm hoping that's no longer an issue.

Update 08/02/2019: After changing some bits around, I've put the MD5 Database back online. Lookups should be a bit faster and a little less processor intensive. Not a lot has been done during the planned downtime but it has managed to reduce the industrial volume of requests for a bit. Another planned downtime will be scheduled in the future for further improvements.

Update 28/01/2019: The MD5 Database has gone offline. API and web page will not return results. Requested hashes will be written to a file so nothing gets missed.

Update 26/01/2019: I have noticed a couple of new donations, thanks! I've updated the donations page. Additionally, I plan to take the MD5 database offline for a little while so that I may carry out some upgrades and improvements to it. The HTTPD crashes all the time and sometimes the server itself, this has been going on for the past year despite minimal to no interruptions for visitors. The server core temperatures rise to a very high level and I believe it causes thermal shutdowns. I have a lot to work on. I've schedules the downtime of the MD5 database for Monday, 26th January, in a few days time.

Update 19/01/2019: Amazingly after several months of a router upgrade, I completely overlooked forwarding the port responsible for SSL support. All this time and no SSL. Goes to show how little I look after this site these days. Anyway, SSL support is up and running now.

Update 08/10/2018: Apologies for lack of updates and fixes. Life is busy and interests change, I don't have a lot of time anymore.

Update 25/05/2018: I've massively neglected the site these last few months. Life's been busy and distracting in many ways. Everything's been operational as it should. I've noticed literally a tiny handful of ?a{6} passwords were cracked via GPU when they should've been found directly in storage, this raises some concern. I will continue to monitor this.

Update 19/05/2018: The site faced about 6 hours of downtime for hardware cleaning. Everything was taken apart, every corner dusted out, every screw removed for access. All fans and heatsinks removed, cleaned, reseated with fresh paste. CPU temperatures are at an all-time low being a third of what they were before today.

Update 02/12/2017: It's been a super long time since I've done anything with the website. I apologise as there is so much I need to do. I've not had a lot of time and my interests have been changing. Life's keeping me very busy and things are not that great for me at the moment. However, I made one minor adjustment to the hash generator page in that the RadioGatun hash was being processed externally by JavaScript. That's right, JavaScript. It was a nasty hack, and there remains another algorithm that depends on external JavaScript also. I don't know the specifics but there's something that happens that stops the JavaScript process from exiting and I would always get about 20 dead processes idling all related to RadioGatun after about a week. I've now just changed this to an all PHP version. This should be more reliable. In other news, a good friend on IRC by the name Kiara and I have managed to crack about half a million unfound hashes together! Hashes are being cracked frequently but that night we changed things up a little.

Update 24/04/2017: Okay, so I've released a lookup tool for L&F 92-series lock and keys. Feel free to play with it. At the time of releasing it, there exists no other tool readily available online for looking up this partcular series. It's only available for JavaScript-enabled browsers at the moment. I probably won't bother making it available for JavaScript-disabled browsers.

Update 20/04/2017: Not a lot to update on. No progress has been made anywhere, I've been super busy these few weeks. As an easy thing to make and release, I will be releasing a tool to convert Lowe & Fletcher 92-series keys from their blind code to their bitting sequence and vice versa. I will complete it in JavaScript to reduce laggy server connections (people have been complaining about this for a while already). L&F 92-series keys are used on filing cabinets, lockers, and other lockable furniture. There seems to be no information about it online (as with most locksmith-related details) but I figured these particular keys have been used for decades and it's time to give those interested some information. I hope to finish it off with a HTML5 canvas showing what the key should look like topped with a measurement diagram. The input range will be from 92001 to 92800.

Update 25/03/2017: Oops, rather embarrassingly left a line of debugging in the API script that checks the newly developed database. Any positive finds that contain or equal "file exists" should be discounted. Sorry for that.

Update 24/03/2017: I'm happy to announce the completion of the new database which covers the printable spectrum of passwords up to 6 bytes (printable being uppercase, lowercase, digits, and symbols; 95 different characters). The database is 735 billion candidates strong, and is able to perform 50 failed lookups per second by itself (failed lookups ensure it searches the whole part necessary to ensure it's not in there; a successful lookup would return quicker). The database is using 4.02 TiBs and is residing on its own dedicated drive; soon will be available on RAID1 for speed and redundancy. Adding this database to the MD5 lookup service is a milestone for me as it breaks the long-awaited one trillion mark. Slowly on my way to providing the world's largest instant MD5 lookup service. This throws the grandtotal database count to 1.1 trillion candidates!

Update 23/03/2017: I've recently received a few messages regarding the accuracy of some algorithms on my Hash Generator page. I ought to re-work that page, perhaps also make it API-friendly. But apparently, I'm in desperate need of checking the outputs on the Fletcher, MD6, and HAVAL series algorithms. In the meantime, I've put up a message on that page explaining the possible inaccuracie. It's been a really couple of weeks for me and things are going generally slow as a result. Sorry in advance.

Update 20/03/2017: Been a few days with the migration of data and it's just under half way through. On a different topic: I've been getting a lot of messages regarding adding support for the YouTube CC Downloader: The ability to view/download automatically generated subtitles. I think it would be a healthy addition to the site especially since I've focused on the MD5 Database for a very long time so far. Similarly, a few people have pointed out errors in the Hash Generator page and there have been some tiny problems occuring with that page which I ought to address soon. I will finish the completion of the new MD5 bruteforce range and I see what I can do about those other things.

Update 16/03/2017: Began migrating the new printable x6 database (all printable characters to 6 bytes; 735 billion candidates) to the new drive. It's partially done and will take over a week to finish. What is currently moved is already available now!

Update 14/03/2017: We hit 80 million hash requests. The server has been cleaned out from dust and unnecessary wiring, finalised by a newly installed 5 TB HDD.

Update 09/03/2017: We're at 76.5 million hash requests already, certainly a growing number. Not much to report on. A new HDD is soon to arrive to house the newly generated brute force range of ?a?a?a?a?a?a (735 billion candidates).

Update 31/01/2017: Looks like we hit the 50 million hash request milestone! This is every hash request made, not unique entries. Unique entries are sitting around 16.6 million.

Update 26/01/2017: I've noticed the YouTube closed caption downloader is getting a lot of attention lately. Looking at the database stored on the server, it's getting quite large. It doesn't slow down the usage of the tool, but I may wish to make some improvements. While I'm at it, I may also improve the UI of the tool. Perhaps some AJAX, load video titles, thumbnails, or the video seeker bar thumbnails (a lot of tiny screenshots that appear by your cursor when seeking to different positions on YouTube). I "advertised" the tool on a website that was telling users that downloading closed captions was a case of downloading software, so I shared my tool's link since it's web-based, no need to download anything at all. It seems quite popular from that, got a lot of positive feedback. One of the suggestions was to work on providing YouTube's automatically generated closed captions. That could take some time to work on though. I've lots of things to work on around the site. Additionally, I've updated this changelog with extra information on the initalisms/acronyms to better help readers understand what they stand for.

Update 16/01/2017: Updated the MD5 database information page with more up to date information regarding the bruteforce ranges. This is correct to the best of my knowledge. The only way it could be wrong is if I forgot to include a particular range; the shown data is definitely correct.

Update 12/01/2017: Updated the MD5 database page with information about updates. Just trying to keep people informed. Another great update is that this site now supports Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL! That means encryption via the HTTPS scheme is now possible. This won't be enforced however.

Update 05/01/2017: Working on updating the MD5 database API a bit. A number of new extensions available to use.

Update 04/01/2017: Done some minor updates on the MD5 database documentation. Working on each section bit by bit to bring it up to date. Various works have been happening such as allowing the history database to store the hash's algorithm post-crack to exclude it from further processing but the results won't be available to the public due to this service remaining an MD5-only service. Certain API extensions will indicate if the submitted hash was found to be another algorithm (and will indicate that it was not found purely for ease of implementing the API to your own scripts).

Update 17/12/2016: Two new replacement fans have arrived and have been installed. This caused about an hour or two of downtime. I also cleaned out the radiator fins and other parts from dust build-up.

Update 15/12/2016: Had some downtime from 2:20am to 10am due to thermal shutdown. With a liquid cooler, I have a two-fan radiator where both fans have died. This increased the CPU temperature by about 40°C to 50°C (or 104°F to 122°F respectfully) and did eventually thermally shutdown. I have two backup high power TFC fans on the case which I'm using now to force air in the case and out of the radiator. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Update 27/11/2016: These last few days have been spent ironing out some bugs and issues I've found within the inter-process communications side of things regarding the MD5 database's recently found passwords table. I have a list of things I need to improve on so I'm slowly working through those. The loop that checks everything seems to get slower and slower over a few days, as if something is building up per entry and not getting cleared and it's wasting cycles going over whatever data is left over, even though I thoroughly make sure all data is cleaned up after use. Give it time, I'll figure it out.

Update 17/11/2016: The recently found passwords table in the database beta page now supports visible spaces and even puts in a faint dotted underscore to indicate this. Other forms of whitespaces such as tabs, carriage returns, line feeds, etc. will be treated as a control character and replaced to its equivalent control character 'badge'. Ampersands are also replaced. Unintentionally, UTF-8 is treated as-is and remains displaying as UTF-8 encoded Unicode so all those international alphabets are supposedly supported too! My next task is to get hyperlinks working for contributors in the table.

Update 16/11/2016: It's come to my attention that someone (or some people) have been implementing my free MD5 database API in paid software specific to hash cracking. Just to put the message out there before I update the information page: That is not ok. The use of my database is to be free under all circumstances. If you're developing software of which you want payment for, then don't use my API. You can of course explain to your users that they can try through this site if they wish but I do not appreciate or allow people to ask for any payment from other people if my database is involved.

Update 14/11/2016: Those that use the MD5 database a lot might have noticed anything 4 bytes and under doesn't get found instantly and has been this way for a year and a half (since June of 2015). I'm glad to announce this issue has been fixed. All 1, 2, 3, and 4 byte binary values are now included again. This issue arose a long time ago due to a drive failure with no backup. I didn't care so much since they were just precomputed and can be regenerated again, sadly I was just too lazy to actually do that. Within that year and a half, just over 35,000 hashes where not found but could have been had I regenerated that data.

Update 07/11/2016: Progress is a bit slow again. Just been tweaking bits and pieces related to the inter-process communications and MD5 database pages.

Update 30/10/2016: The inter-process communication for the server and live updating of the recently found passwords table on the MD5 database page is working beautifully. Just need to work on minor things such as timeouts and character escaping of non-printable results. Updating of the number of viewing clients and submitting clients.

Update 23/10/2016: Been on holiday for a while, now slowly back to work. I decided to create another database for every possible byte of 5 bytes in length. This will result in over 1 trillion entries. Due to the new inter-process communication thing being developed, I should be able to manage multiple databases containing various data simultaneously, and through multiple machines for the future.

Update 06/10/2016: The inter-process communications thing is coming along nicely. Doing lots of error checking and internal clearing up and closures. Working on the protocol and how everything will tie in to the website functionality. It's quite interesting.

Update 01/10/2016: So after some time of thinking away from the computer, I decided I need to step up my game and work on inter-process communications for the recently found passwords list in the MD5 database.

Update 28/09/2016: Work is slowly happening, but surely. The new MD5 page is coming along nicely. I've delved into the world of Server-Sent-Events (SSE) for updating the recently found passwords table which is proving to be very fluid. Just need to shape up on the text processing when binary or UTF-8 data comes through. I think I won't bother supporting non-JavaScript enabled browsers because the whole idea of this change is to stop people wasting so much bandwidth by automating the HTML forms. I don't think modern users/browsers have an issue with JavaScript or SSE, so I'm quite happy to be ignorant about cross-browser compatibility. Not to mention, cracking countless unfound hashes every day. It's all slow progress since I don't get a lot of free time now, but rest assured it's always moving forward. Also, I changed the site banner to fireworks. The beach scene was getting a tad boring.

Update 17/08/2016: Added some HTML comments to the MD5 database page urging people not to automate the HTML form as it will soon be disconitnued in favour of the dedicated and public API.

Update 15/08/2016: Well, I may or may not have forgotten to keep on top of the changelog. Nothing interesting to really catch up on. Some minor changes to the MD5 database projects but functionality has not changed. Just minor background tweaking and updating of text. Lots and lots of hashes have been cracked and found. I plan to ditch the HTML result page for MD5 results and will make it dynamic with the already-in-situ API. I urge people to use the API because it's already there! Yet people are still scratching the results from the HTML page. I will put out plenty of warning before I make the changeover. Estimated time for the changeover may be in a month's time. Been very busy with real life lately.

Update 22/04/2016: Long time since I've done anything with the site. Sun is shining, summer's coming, and I'm being more social these days. For now, I've tidied up the MD5 history database as it contained some incorrect or unsanitised values which didn't display on the site or API correctly. Despite not having made any changes on site, I've still always focused on the MD5 project and always cracking hashes.

Update 10/03/2016: Alright, so I still haven't had time to fix the factorial calculator yet, so I'm reinstating it with the same problems it had. At least some use is better than no use.

Update 04/03/2016: Someone had reported a problem concerning the factorial calculator page. Quite strange, too. It relied on the GMP library to compute the results, but causes a failure on certain large numbers (but not all large numbers) and seems to stem from within the function that formats the calculation to a string. Unfortunately I don't have the time to look into it and I have removed it from use until further notice.

Update 28/02/2016: Removed the bug fix notice on the MD5 database. Over the past few weeks, myself and a few helping hands have managed to crack almost 20,000 hashes! It's safe to say the development of the larger MD5 database is on hold until further notice.

Update 24/02/2016: Fixed a bad output in the XML API for the MD5 database, the raw password element outputted the byte NCR instead of the byte itself. I fixed it and now it outputs the raw bytes encapsulated in CDATA tags. The input range for the Collatz conjecture script stated that the user must enter 1 or above when in fact entering 1 returned an error. This was pointed out by a visitor who sent me a message about it. Thank you! I've also been using the day to get the MD5 database form to work using AJAX and the self-provided API, going well so far.

Update 18/02/2016: Added a display to the MD5 database recently found password table to show how many people are viewing the content live as it refreshes. This will soon be accompanied by controls to stop and start the automatic refreshing. I've spent the past few days coming down hard on a lot of the hashes that have been unfound for a while. I've managed to boost the overall completion of all submissions up to 82%! Many cracked hashes have also been found to be non-MD5, such as NTLM, LM, truncated SHA1, 256, and 512. Many are also salted despite numerous mentions on the site saying only regular unsalted MD5 hashes only. I also cleaned up some files in the root directory.

Update 15/02/2016: I've added a column to the MD5 database's recently found passwords table to display the number of hits that hash has received. It updates along with the "when" column.

Update 12/02/2016: The automatic updating of the MD5 database recently found passwords has been working great, however I noticed it would stop updating sometimes due to XML errors caused by a PHP error that occurred due to too many database connections logging the requesting hostname and user agent string. These data are recorded for analytical purposes to see who and what my audience is. Though, to be honest I haven't used the collected data in over a year. I have suspended the collection of this data until further notice, and as a result, the updating table works perfectly.

Update 02/02/2016: Successfully implemented an automatically updating table for the MD5 database's recently found passwords. It displays data just like before (escaping unprintable characters, and escapes XML's CDATA's ending character sequence) so there should be no problems. The refresh rate of it changes reflecting whenever the last found password was, since that pretty much indicates someone's using it and there are results being found. Sometimes nothing gets found for hours, and the refresh rate will drop to a minute interval.

Update 01/02/2016: All the API output formats work. All that's left is to output any error details in some of those formats. For now, they'll return a blank document if any real errors occur. Now, I'm working on the recently found passwords list to make it automatically update using jQuery.

Update 25/01/2016: I don't even know where my days have gone. I've been doing lots of work on the MD5 database scripts behind the scenes, mostly the API access and support for multiple output formats. At the moment, outputting results as Base64, ordinary hexadecimal, JSON, JavaScript (executable), ordinary text, XML, and YAML are all fully supported. There may be some tweaks here and there to perfect it though maybe not.

Update 16/01/2016: I've spent pretty much the whole day working on the new centralised MD5 database library (for my own use of course). It's early hours now, so I think it's all done. Just got to implement it in to the API page. The API page is now working as it was before! Good stuff. The internals are completely different but it behaves the same way and is now much easier for me to work with.

Update 15/01/2016: Unfortunately the API script (only the API script thankfully) for the MD5 database got wiped blank as a result of my editor crashing. It's not the first time my editor has crashed, but it is the first time [over 6 years or so now] that it has ever lost my work. I'm using this opportunity to recreate the API script and employ a centralised version of my MD5 database for easier management of code. Whilst I'm doing this, I'll add support for multiple output formats including TXT, XML, YAML, JSON, PHP serialize, CSV, TSV, and so on.

Update 08/01/2016: The server went down for some unplanned maintenance so the site may have been inaccessible for about an hour or something. The server now has upgraded cooling. I have a couple of 252 CFM case fans on the way. Additionally, I have only just noticed a visible error with the Collatz conjecture page. An error from the statistics scripts was showing, but didn't interfere with anything. That must've been there for a while.

Update 04/01/2016: So I've spent the last few days actually cracking some of the MD5 database unfound hashes. I've had some good results so far. My plans for this project will include regular brute force cracks of ranges that I don't have stored. Multiple hash submissions (and for the API). A pattern detection thing to see if a result may be salted or SHA1 or MD5 obfuscated; it'll list possible candidate passwords.

Update 31/12/2015: I've found 20,000+ passwords to hashes that were not previously found. Many of which are double MD5 or SHA1 and MD5. I told you people to submit regular MD5 hashes! I'm thinking to periodically run some brute force processes on the unfound hashes every X amount of time (days, weeks, maybe some months depending on the values chosen).

Update 29/12/2015: I have only just discovered that, because all submitted hashes go into a separate database for tracking statistics, the accompanying plain text password of all numeric values have been altered by SQLite3 and have been storing those numbers incorrectly or changing them somehow. When a user makes a second request, the password is pulled from that database to reduce load on the main database, therefore returning the incorrect numeric value, despite the SQLite3 columns being set to TEXT and not NUMERIC. Ah, what a headache.

Update 28/12/2015: I changed the MD5 database table of recently found passwords; instead of sticking the CSS in each DIV tag, I decided to see how compact I could get the HTML and use some CSS3 selectors to find and apply the appropriate style parameters.

Update 26/12/2015: I updated the site banner ready for the new year celebrations.

Update 25/12/2015: So the past few days have been about organising the new database, so there's always stuff happening. I've put up a notice on the MD5 database page about 4 byte passwords or less being temporarily unavailable due to the catastrophic drive failure back in the beginning of November 2015. The external service at should pick most of the printable ones up at least. Additionally, I've made a small table of the 10 most recently found passwords on the MD5 database and I've rearranged some of the information on the MD5 database page so there's less text. Oh, and Merry Christmas everybody!

Update 22/12/2015: That fix is still holding up. I believe I can say it's no longer a problem! Additionally, I've changed the website banner to a more Christmas-y feel. We haven't had a very cold winter in London. Temperatures are still between 10° and 15° Celcius so it's hardly frosty (which was the previous theme which also lacked any real Christmas content).

Update 22/12/2015: It appears the fix is still holding. Brilliant!

Update 20/12/2015: I believe I have managed to fix the server offline issues. It kept dropping offline due to Apache becoming unresponsive every few minutes. It's been up and running for a few hours without any faults now. Now we wait for the test of time.

Update 20/12/2015: I've changed some code around and fixed a couple new errors that have popped up in places. I've also added some more hashes found by mamleader, this guy doesn't give up easily. Big thanks!

Update 15/12/2015: I will be adding some provisions to the MD5 database to allow storage of passwords that contain null bytes (which is used as the separator byte). This allows the database to store pretty much any data I want. It has only the drawback of taking just microseconds longer, and uses just a little more disk space. There won't be many entries that actually contain null bytes so it's not a worry. I know many of the recently added passwords actually do contain null bytes, but hey, it's an extra feature for no real cost. This also means I can store all my 1, 2, 3 and 4 byte databases in one large database. One less thing to worry about with less code.

Update 14/12/2015: Added a good 12,168 found passwords from the MD5 database history. I'm quite impressed by this submission because it finds a significant number of salted hashes as well as double hashes of different algorithms. Very good work there thanks to blandyuk from I've managed to find about 8,300 few passwords myself weeding out predictable passwords that follow a pattern which were hashed as SHA1 and then MD5.

Update 13/12/2015: I've made an API for the MD5 database and displayed its usage on the MD5 database page. It checks the history database and updates the statistics fine now. I'm also thinking to allow different file extensions on the end of the API URL to allow the results to be delivered in different formats. Additionally, I'm going to slap together all the MD5 database passwords and other passwords I have laying around and finally do something with them all. I have so many collections just laying dormant on my drives. I'm well aware that my server occasionally stops responding; network is fine, it seems to originate from my Apache module. Restarting Apache seems to get it going again despite localhost working completely fine. I removed an Apache module possibly causing this problem.

Update 12/12/2015: Once again, mamleader has added some more results of MD5 hashes to the database. Thank you!

Update 11/12/2015: Added a few more thousand found passwords to the MD5 database, again, thanks to mamleader. I've also changed the way it stores binary passwords in the history logs. Additionally, I've cleaned up some code relating to searching external sites so it's more modular (no point explaining in detail, nobody can see how it works anyway). Instead of immediately deploying the script to search external sites, I decided to play my cards right and request their permission to request data from their sites. Fingers crossed. Upon their acceptance, I will disclose which sites they are.

Update 09/12/2015: There's always stuff being done! Poking around on the Interwebz shows the site to be quite popular, or at least active in the way of generating, storing, and finding MD5 hashes. They quite openly provide an API to use, and I have decided to give it a whirl. Their API page spits out a PHP internal error if you don't pass a user-agent header to it; easily to overcome. My MD5 database scripts now use it as a last resort, and saves any finds to its own database and creditsthem for any found hashes. It's now evening time and I got back from work to find that mamleader (one of the trusted users to help find some hashes) has given me 4,043 extra found passwords and has also made me aware of a script error in the MD5 database page which is a result is very late night coding making the MD5 database check external sites; I clearly did not test it extensively. All is well now. I have submitted all the unfound hashes through to and got back some rather complicated passwords, only about 30 of them, but I suspect they were generated (and thus stored) on that site by their users and they've submitted them to me to see if my database could find them.

Update 08/12/2015: Again, more slow progress on the ICO extractor. Instead of reading loads of articles, I decided the best way to figure it out and understand it better is with actual samples so I've been making lots of different types of icons with varying bit depths and dimensions and working out the padding bits. It's a bit of a headache but at least this way I know that whatever files it'll receive it should be able to handle. The ICO extractor now supports 8-bit images of any arbitrary dimension. The code behind this ain't pretty for sure, but if I get it right then I may be lucky enough never to have to look at the source again. I just need to enable transparent pixels and inverted colours (to be replaced with another colour). I have removed some of the old update notices from the MD5 database and factorial calculator. In addition to the MD5 database, two lovely IRC users by the name of Szul and mamleader have helped find some unfound hashes for us. Between the two of them, they have cracked 26,445 hashes.

Update 07/12/2015: Alongside the creation of the ICO extractor scripts, I've started work on an informative page for some of the basic PHP scripts I've developed. From really simple functions to the more advance stuff. As far as the ICO extractor script goes, it fully supports 32-bit icons of any arbitrary dimension.

Update 06/12/2015: I've started working on the old ICO extractor script. A script that reads old Windows *.ico files and extracts all the icon images from within them. They contain multiple images rendered at different dimensions and bit depths to allow better control of their display instead of letting the user's machine attempt to display them and possibly display a badly rendered image. Despite how old the Windows icon file format is, they are still a bit complicated to parse and make readily available for the Internet. A lot of icons users had uploaded in the past did not conform to specifications but were still readable by some applications that allowed tolerances in their values, I'm aiming for this also. As far as I can tell, there's either no compression used in Windows icon files unless it's a PNG image despite the fact these icon files are based on BITMAP-type format that appear to allow compression of various types. This makes things easy, however I will set up a notification system in case the scripts detect possible defects or unexpected values in Windows icon files.

Update 30/11/2015: The factorial calculator is back up. A funny thing with this is that it used to take a long time to produce these large values years ago on older equipment. I got around this problem by storing milestone values on disk and would read them then calculate up to the user's input. This worked very well. Since the server rebuild a year ago, I continued to use the factorial database and all my old scripts. Since I had lost all the data earlier this month I needed to reproduce all the values again. I've been figuring out ways to compress the data better, all kinds of algorithms and timing methods. Several hours pass by before I realise this new server build can actually produce any factorial in a mere fraction of a second anyway. Remarkable. I may not even need a precalculated database for this tool. I most definitely will need one for calculating higher values (which I have been mentioning for a while now). I've also tidied up the backend scripts up a little, and added the information pages for each tool to the main site menu but they will only be visible in the menu if you're on the actual page, with a nice little information icon. Repositioned the star next to the donations page menu item. I've added some extended Latin alphabet letters to the NTLM case corrector. And, last but not least, during the late evening, the server went down for some minor spontaneous maintenance. I cleaned out all the equipment, dusted the fans, grills, filters, organised the storage devices, tidied up the wiring, labelled the HDDs as well as removed the dead HDD that caused some issues at the beginning of the month. Everything is back up and running smoothly and dust-free. I expected the GPU, CPU, and PSU fans and heatsinks to be clogged with dust and dirt but they were all surprisingly clean. If you've read this far, I'll let you on in a secret that I'll be working on a couple of

Update 28/11/2015: I've been busy with real life stuff lately. I noticed all the entries in this changelog for November were stuck on October. I've updated the website banner to celebrate Christmas which will probably come and go very quickly. I hope I can actually work on the factorial calculator soon. I don't like my tools being offline. Unfortunately, I will be doing a lot of overtime at work to catch up on funds so I may not have a lot of time left for the website, but I'll try my best.

Update 23/11/2015: I updated the factorial calculator page with a more up-to-date offline notice. It says I should begin working on rebuilding it starting from the weekend. It may not be up and running until some days later.

Update 15/11/2015: At some point yesterday, the drive I'm generating the brute force passwords to decided it was too full mid-generation. Got to continue on another drive, now.

Update 14/11/2015: Generating yet more brute force ranges. I'm aiming for that sweet trillion mark still. The recompilation will take a good month, might as well make the most of it. Trying to fill in a couple of blanks will take some time too. I'd like to just mention that my thoughts go out to France who have been targeted in a series of attacks around Paris last night while I was asleep.

Update 13/11/2015: Reconstruction of the lost MD5 database data is finally complete! The process has made me more aware that improvements can be made and a fraction of it has been lost to do unknown circumstances, I shall rebuild those in due time, it's such an insigniticant portion.

Update 12/11/2015: Reconstruction of the lost MD5 database data is almost complete. Service availability should be 100% by midnight at a guess. Whilst juggling with a social life and work life, I'll get started on the factorial calculator whenever I can. Unfortunate the database for the factorial calculator turned out to be a complete failure, but it's not as big or as complex as the MD5 database. Then, after that, I shall recompile the MD5 database, a fresh, clean, and significantly larger database. I shall also work on it being expandable so that I don't need to recompile the entire thing each time.

Update 10/11/2015: So the reconstruction of the lost data has been hit and miss over the past couple of days. It's been failing after several hours of repetitive work and I can't find out the reason. I've enabled the MD5 database form since at least most of the data can be accessed by now, though not all of it. My script is reconstructing the lost data again, and parts of the database will be accessible whilst it is reconstructed. If it fails again later on, nothing bad will happen, but I will be able to resume it where it left off. Coincidentally, all the brute force patterns I intended to generate are all complete and will be present in the next database compilation. The current database has a lot of duplicates, too, with some passwords not belonging where they should, I honestly don't know how this has happened, but I will ensure it won't happen next time. Additionally, I've fixed the hash generator page, when you click the presented link from MD5 database, shows your found password in different algorithms. There was also a single error in the Collatz conjecture page regarding statistics. I've simply muted it for now, I've more important things to focus on right now.

Update 09/11/2015: The reconstruction has proved effective, but not quite over yet. I need to test that nothing is missing, that all the data points to the correct corresponding parts, blah blah blah. Boring stuff. I'm also generating another 91.4 billion passwords in a brute force range. This is in the pattern of aaaa00000 to zzzz99999, and from Aaaa00000 to Zzzz99999. This should cost about 850 GiBs of space before compression.

Update 08/11/2015: The script I developed yesterday has managed to reconstruct most of what was lost, but it's also given light to some corrupt/inconsistent parts of the database I didn't know existed. There's no actual "loss" as far as I can see, but there's unexpected data where there should exist meta data for example. This caused the process to halt until I saw what was happening. I'll see what I can do about this in the future, I have too much to work on until I worry about that.

Update 07/11/2015: Unfortunately, it seems like this HDD with some of the server files has decided to be more trouble than it's worth. It could quite very well be an issue with the circuit on the HDD itself due to the nature of the fault. Data on it seems to be unrecoverable at this moment in time. I've recovered some important website files, but not enough to put the tools back online for public use. I've been up all day and night trying to fix this issue and now I have work in the morning. I can only apologise for the inconvenience and keep trying. Some of the data can be reconstructed but we're talking days to figure out exactly what the data is as well as the time it'll take to produce it, plus trying to deal with work and as well as trying to keep my already neglected social life. Have faith that everything will be back up and running soon. At the moment, I'm developing a script to read the whole database in order to reconstruct the lost mapping file.

Update 06/11/2015: I have only just realised the MD5 database is also suffering faults also related to the disk storage problems. It's one of my older and smaller storage disks that contains all my older version website data. I shifted some things on there while I was managing the install of the new 6 TiB drive, but now it's dropped out of service. A strange coincidence, but I need to wait until these MD5 database brute force ranges complete. This is just an unfortunate case of bad timing. Sorry, folks. Additionally, in the YouTube CC downloader page, the list of languages failed to show both the Chinese (Simplified, China) and Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) flag icons. YouTube changed their language codes, and I have updated the code to continue to display them.

Update 05/11/2015: Well, it seems like maybe the MD5 database hasn't been working for the past couple of days. Quite possibly due to the fact that I deleted some old unused files that were being "checked" in the old scripts used to initialise the database. As a fail-safe, it's stopped itself working as those files no longer exist. I've no idea how I've over-looked this, or why I've even used those old scripts at all when all the new scripts did the real work anyway. All fixed. Additionally, I've cleared up about 60 GiBs from the OS drive, and I've added an extra 6 TiB drive to the family, I have no excuse not to try and fill this baby up with the MD5 database. I've also just renamed the title bar text of this Changelog page. I have also changed some information on the factorial page since I have received another message yesterday with someone motivating me to fix the limit (from 100,000 to 200,000). I have also thought about raising the future factorial goal of 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 using an emailing system. In preparation for breaking in the new HDD, I've decided to produce some more brute force ranges! I'm guessing I'll end up with something like 800 billion words after everything has been put together. I have taken the factorial calculator offline due to some disk storage problems, but I can't do anything about it for a day or so.

Update 02/11/2015: All the generation has finished and I still have disk space left. I have just enough left for another range! I'm going to generate the range from aaa000000 to Aaa999999. This should weigh in at 352 GiBs, adding an extra 37.9 billion to the count. I foresee another 6 TiB drive coming soon. Additionally, I cleaned out the server so it's now dust-free, filters cleaned, and replaced 2 of the slow chassis fans with 4 high flow ones (rated at 130 ft3/min each). I've considered opening up a donations page; the cost of equipment comes out of my own hard-earned money after all. After consideration, I've finally done it.

Update 31/10/2015: I've decided to go the extra mile and produce another brute force range for the MD5 database (along with what is in production since yesterday). I'm now producing all passwords where first 6 characters are the lower-case Latin alphabet, with 2 digits appended. This ranges from aaaaaa00 to zzzzzz99, weighing in at an extra 260 GiBs uncompressed, with 30.1 billion passwords.

Update 30/10/2015: I've changed the background in the site header and added some extra text in celebration of Guy Fawkes night; one of my favourite celebrations of the year held on 4th of November. I've added a line in the MD5 database information page, under the brute force ranges section as I'm currently generating every numeric password at 11 digits in length. This will use about 1.1 TiBs of disk space prior to compression, and will add an extra 100 billion passwords assuming that none already pre-exist in the database. The range produced will be from 00000000000 to 99999999999.

Update 29/10/2015: I can't seem to figure out why the MD5 statistics is missing some parts out and giving incorrect statistical values. For the mean time, I whipped up some code to check which parts were missing and update them so they'll always be there (but they shouldn't be missing to begin with).

Update 28/10/2015: Similarly to the update yesterday regarding the MD5 database statistics, I have done the same with the Collatz conjecture page. Their statistics are collected in the same way, and are now available to view.

Update 27/10/2015: I have enabled the display of statistics information on the MD5 database page. The processing of statistics had to conform to the recent MD5 history database. It operates a lot quicker than before. Instead of processing statistics from the whole database, it processes only the parts that had detected changes. Later in the day I discovered this process keeps missing parts, resulting in lower figures. This has been fixed.

Update 26/10/2015: The MD5 database was offline between 02:15am and 03:45am. It should operate a lot quicker now, and should sustain higher performance under heavy load. I've also updated the way it displays plain-text values; it now shows the control character values for non-printable bytes. I've also moved some system files around out of the public domain. It's neater now.

Update 22/10/2015: Since people love to abuse the MD5 database page, I decided I will add in some request limits. I have found out some people are requesting the form over 120 times per second and is causing an overall performance decrease on the site. Commencing the 26th, I will disable the form and improve the MD5 statistics. I've mentioned it before, but I can't do anything while people are busy with it. I've decided to announce a formal advance warning about it going offline on the 26th, then I will begin work. Additionally, I have enabled some old databases to the MD5 database. Every byte combination of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bytes in length are now fully supported. Everything is operating fine. I've updated the factorial calculator page just to say that I had only one visitor contact me to get the limit shifted from 100,000 to 200,000 and that if I get another message about it then I'll actually do it.

Update 20/10/2015: When a hash results in a successful find in the MD5 database, it'll sport a link to the Hash Generator page that will show the password in other algorithms. This uses some trickery. It passes the hash only to the Hash Generator page as a URL hash, JavaScript detects it and redirects it to itself but as a POST parameter, then the scripts will find it in the MD5 statistics database and ignores it if it hadn't been submitted in the last 24 hours.

Update 19/10/2015: I have temporarily hidden the statistics section on the MD5 database page. There's a couple of people making several requests per second and the statistics fetching caused pages to take a second or two to load. I will soon update the statistics database (as I did with the statistics database on the Collatz conjecture page). Additionally, for the last few days, I've been working on the old hash generator page, most of the time spent on this is going towards adding algorithms, comparing test vectors, porting code, etc., I have released the page, but I have warned of possible wrong outputs for some of the lesser-known hashes that I've tried to implement with no test vectors. At the moment, I have 94 algorithms supported. I've added the update to the main page.

Update 14/10/2015: I added a link to the main index page to this changelog. I don't think it's of any significant importance to add to the main menu on the left of the page. I also fixed an error that appeared on the MD5 database page when searching for a new unfound hash. It appears I'm getting a bit sloppy. Additionally, I've been working on the old Hash Generator scripts. I should be able to get an incomplete page out soon.

Update 12/10/2015: Fixed some errors that appeared on the MD5 database page whenever a user submitted a new hash. This happened as a result of an update I made on the MD5 database week that displayed who found the password to an older hash. I also fixed some errors that appeared on the Collatz conjecture page with regard to the statistics of the submitted starting integer. I queried the database incorrectly and yielded no results. I also handled result-less variables incorrectly too. Rookie mistakes.

Update 10/10/2015: I've been working on a new page for helping people speak numbers in different languages. I have English supported, but I wish to allow it to have better support before I release it.

Update 09/10/2015: I have split up the Collatz statistics database in to smaller pieces. Processing statistics for individual integers should be a lot quicker. Processing of the whole thing needs to be planned and finished, though it's not a priority at this moment.

Update 01/10/2015: I have changed the style and position of who found hashes, if someone submitted a hash that was later cracked by someone.

Update 16/03/2015: Been working primarily on a significantly larger MD5 Database, estimated around 470 billion passwords.

Update 21/01/2015: Released the old NTLM Case Correction tool.

Update 20/01/2015: Got the old Factorial Database up and running again.

Update 20/01/2015: Just released the old MD5 Database into the wild (130 billion words; will grow larger eventually).

Update 16/01/2015: The YouTube CC Downloader is pretty much finished. Some minor features to add over time.

Update 04/01/2015: Motivated by a message I received, I reconstructed the Collatz conjecture tool.

Update 29/12/2014: Added a page for downloading YouTube closed captions on videos (when available).

Update 07/07/2012: The website has been offline for 1.5 months due to requirements of tranferring site contents to different drives. Did it today.

Update 30/10/2012: I've started working on Version 2 of my site, I'm re-making everything, properly. Better design, layout, code, etc.

Update 23/07/2010: I have owned for a whole year, wow, time passes by rather quick, don't it?

Update 12/05/2010: A Morse Code Audio Generator script is now up and ready to use, enjoy!

Update 01/05/2010: Second anniversary of operating the site! I thank everyone for visiting!

Update 27/03/2010: Another new page, Icon Converter converts your *.ico images to multiple *.png images.

Update 24/11/2009: A new page has been introduced, Phrase Database featuring multiple translations into multiple languages.

Update 10/09/2009: My good friend Samuel-Sama unexpectedly bought me and for the site which mirrors this one, thank you dude, much appreciated.

Update 23/07/2009: Ladies and gentlemen, I bought myself a proper domain name for the site :) !

Update 23/07/2009: New page for a webcam feed, my work-area, you'll see my work, but not my face.

Update 18/05/2009: My old server died, I bought a new one with higher specifications (200GBs + HDDs from old machine, 2GB RAM), hopefully no more downtime ever! (Edit from 2020: Holy shit how times have changed!)

Update 10/05/2009: I reformatted my server, no more crashes. Also back to using our old router, connections work fine now.

Update 01/05/2009: This site has been running successfully for a whole year with little downtime, yay!

Update 15/03/2009: I have made something called N2Paint, basically like an online paint, and submit them to gallery (more information coming soon).

Update 10/01/2009: I've removed my database drive which contains the MD5 Database as it's causing some inconvenient problems.

Update 01/01/2009: Happy New Year! The Plain-Text project will be up and running very soon!

Update 17/12/2008: Added a MegaUpload optical character reader for their CAPTCHA. Could be useful to someone.

Update 10/10/2008: I have a few scripts working, fixed and added. I'm not too sure what else to add now. Please use the contact form for suggestions!

Update 21/09/2008: I've added a Stickam feed on here, down in the Misc. section on the menu. Enjoy.

Update 20/10/2008: Temporarily removed the Hash Maze, GoogleBot is freaking out over it and it won't stop. It'll be back up whenever it stops trying to crawl it. Generated an extra 41.8 GiB hybrid list for the MD5 Database. GoogleBot is still at it, Hash Maze will be offline until it stops. My 114 GiB HDD is full! (2019 edit: oh how times have changed)

Update 19/10/2008: Added a PayPal Donate button. ;)

Update 16/10/2008: New Password Generator page added, uses some odd ways of generating passes. Will hopefully add more to it to make it a stronger password generator.

Update 09/10/2008: Working on stuff for the project. Rebuilding parts of their project.

Update 05/10/2008: Generated an extra 11.1 GiBs for the MD5 Database. A lovely small hybrid list.

Update 04/10/2008: Generated an extra 12.1 GiBs for the MD5 Database. Candidates consist of 6 bytes of alphanumeric.

Update 16/07/2008: Added a page for factorial calculation. Have fun. I know you will.

Update 09/07/2008: Began generating a list containing alphanumeric password candidates of 6 bytes in length. That's about 12 GiBs.

Update 24/05/2008: Created an "Updates" section on the front page for major news.

Update 22/05/2008: Signed up to Google AdSense. I placed an advert at the footer of all pages. Please take interest in them since they help with running the site.

Update 01/05/2008: Began developing this site.

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Source last modified 239 days ago.